Is There a Way to Push the Hernia Back?

There are several types of hernia and all hernia are bulging of an organ, part of an organ or fatty tissue. This muscle squeezes through weak areas in the surrounding tissues of the abdomen.

Because of this hernias cannot be prevented, although you can reduce the risk of developing it. It happens when physical stress forces the tissue or organ through a weak area. The strenuous activities may include lifting heavy weights, constipation or diarrhea, pregnancy, obesity, smoking or chronic cough.

Now the question is should you push a hernia back in?

  • You must not push the hernia back in if you notice it in a child. Pushing back hernia is causing pain.
  • Push back the hernia in if you have already consulted the doctor about it or you have been trained on how to use the truss or belt.

How to push back hernia in when you are at home?

  • Get a hernia truss or belt after talking to the doctor so that you get the right size. Get the training from the doctor to know how to wear them. It will wrap around the waist supporting the hernia. The truss keeps the hernia in place.
  • Lay on your back so gravity pushes the hernia back. Lay down on the belt so that you can wrap it around your waist on the hernia. It provides support and relief from the bulge.
  • It can be repositioned using hands. You can use your hands and gently push the hernia back in the stomach, groin or abdomen. This does not require any special skill and does not hurt much. You must contact the doctor if it hurts while pushing back in. Forcing the hernia to may cause more damage to the abdomen.

Keep the support on as long as the doctor advises. The support belts and truss are temporary solutions to get relief from pain and discomfort. The solution to hernia is corrective surgery.

Identify and reduce the risk  of hernia

There are different types of hernia. It is essential to identify the hernia and its location:

  • Inguinal hernia: hernia is at the inner groin and common in older men.
  • Femoral hernia: painful lump in the inner upper part of the thigh. It is common in pregnant or obese women.
  • Umbilical hernia: it is a bulge at the umbilicus or belly button. It is very common in newborn babies which are surgically treated t the same time. It is also seen in obese women or women who have had multiple pregnancies.
  • Hiatal hernia: It occurs in the upper part of the stomach separating abdomen and chest. It is mostly found in obese and elderly people and also in women.
  • Incisional hernia: The intestine bulge appears through the weak part of the abdomen where the surgery has already been done.

You can reduce the risk of hernia by maintaining a healthy weight. Do not lift heavy objects or use a proper technique to lift heavy objects. Do not put a strain on your abdomen, it can damage abdominal muscles.

Do not strain or put excessive pressure during bowel movements. Eat fiber-rich content and drink a lot of water to prevent constipation or diarrhea.

When to get medical help?

When are diagnosed with a hernia and suffer pain and discomfort while pushing back hernia, call for medical help. Do not forcefully try to push the hernia in the abdomen. The medical emergency is needed when the hernia blocks the blood flow within the abdomen.

It results in severe pain if the hernia is trapped in the abdominal wall. It is a very severe condition and needs immediate attention.

Surgery is the permanent treatment for hernia. Medications do not treat a hernia.

Hernia can be treated in two ways:

  • Open surgery: In open surgery, the surgeon makes a large cut in the abdominal wall, the bulging is moved back into the abdomen. Then the abdominal wall is closed and a mesh is placed to strengthen the weak area. The opening is closed using several stitches.
  • Laparoscopic surgery: Nowadays, the surgeon prefers laparoscopic surgery as it is minimally invasive surgery. The surgeon makes two to three small incisions instead of one large cut in the abdomen. A video camera attached on top of the laparoscope is inserted inside the small surgical openings which guide the surgeon in performing the surgery. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery is faster and the hospital stay is shorter. The pain after the surgery is very less as compared to open surgery.

After the surgery, the patient must follow the post-surgery instructions for faster recovery.

  • The surgeon may give you pain relief medicines
  • Tenderness, swelling, and bleeding may be possible, call the doctor at the same time
  • Depending on the type of surgery and hernia, the individual may return to normal daily activities gradually
  • Consult the doctor before resuming sexual activities or heavy exercises such as driving or swimming.

Learn more about hernia and the most effective treatment to cure it.

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