4 Answers to Common Questions about Genetic Hair Loss

Genetic hair loss is a reality for countless men but by having the right information and seeking help early on, you can reduce hair thinning and loss.

The reality is that genetics are powerful and are the leading cause of hair loss across the globe, so if you have started to lose your hair, know that you’re not alone. This doesn’t have to be a stressful time though and this article will help answer some key questions so that you know what next steps to take.

4 Common Questions about Genetic Hair Loss

Are genetics the cause of male pattern baldness?

Yes, genetics are generally the underlying cause of both male and female pattern baldness. Your genes determine a lot about your hair, including its orientation, thickness and whether it will be straight or curly.

There are hundreds of genes involved with male pattern baldness, all of which trigger a hormonal mechanism that involves the male sex hormone, dihydrotestosterone. While this hormone is useful during puberty, it can also bond to the hair follicles and cause them to shrink, which is when you’ll want to contact hair implant specialists such as New Hair Clinic.

Where do hair loss genes come from?

Contrary to popular belief, hair loss genes generally stem from your mother’s side of the family. So, if your mother’s father started losing his hair after the age of 35, there’s quite a high chance that you will too. However, this is not to say that you can’t get hair loss genes from your father. If your father is bald, there is still a good chance that you will lose your hair too. It’s important to remember that baldness is made up of 100s of different genes, so you have a good chance of going bald if any of the males in your immediate family did.

Is there a chance that my hair loss is being caused by something else?

There is absolutely a chance that your hair loss is not genetic. Some of the other common causes include:

Poor nutrition. Your hair needs specific nutrients to be healthy and your diet plays a key role in this.

Stress. When you’re under stress, your body doesn’t function as well as it could, which is why stress can also lead to hair loss.

Medications. If you’re starting to lose your hair, you may want to speak to a doctor about the medication you’re taking.

Hormonal changes. If you’re experiencing a hormonal imbalance, it can end up affecting the health of your hair.

Underlying illness. Many people only realise that they are ill when they start noticing a change in their hair, so keep an eye out for any other symptoms that might warrant a doctor’s visit.

How do I treat genetic hair loss?

While treating genetic hair loss is not easy, it is possible. There are a number of hair loss treatments for you to consider, including platelet-rich plasma therapy as well as FUE and FUT hair transplantation. If you are going to consider a surgical hair transplant, it’s important to find a clinic that specialises in hair loss and can show you visible proof of their results.

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