An Overview Of The Gluten-Free Diet

One of the trendiest things these days is the idea and thought of losing weight. With Gluten Free diet in the market, people have gone crazier than usual in adapting it. Even though it is noticed in researches that the 1% of the population has a condition where their body does not take well to gluten but still people are influenced by celebrities and influences in seeking the idea of a Gluten-Free diet.

The bandwagon attached to Gluten-Free diet is associated with quite many illusions but the word is actually associated with being ‘healthy’ without knowing the reasons and facts behind the condition. Here are some quick discussions and facts about a Gluten-Free diet.

The More You Know- The Safer You Eat

It’s important to know what our body wants. As early as we understand our body, we will be able to make better choices for it. Not every Instagram influencer or celebrity knows your body so it’s important to follow your own path without copying other’s diets.

Gluten intolerance happens because of a Celiac disease which is known as an inflammatory disorder of the small intestine. It makes it harder for gluten to digest, or because of Non-celiac gluten sensitivity which happens when a person does not have either celiac or wheat allergies but they still experience intestinal symptoms like; headache or fatigue when they consume gluten.

Another symptom is wheat allergy which demands gluten free eating. People who are allergic to wheat have an irregular reaction to this and it is diagnosed by allergists by using a blood or skin prick testing.

So, if you think that gluten may be troublesome for you, concern your doctor before starting a gluten-free diet yourself.

Does Following A Gluten-Free Diet Make People Healthier?

It’s essential to consider that every item which says its gluten free isn’t supposed to be healthy. Various companies sale their items as gluten free in order to counterparts their competitors. In fact, a gluten-free diet is sometimes opted to lose weight. Mostly people with gluten disorder get the most benefits from this diet, however we can’t say if it is also be good for people who do not have gluten related conditions.

What Should Be Your Approach Towards Gluten-Free Diet-The Basics

It’s always important to stay cautious while searching for gluten in the products that you buy. At times it’s impossible to find gluten as an ingredient in the products’ descriptions. Making a habit of reading the labels on everything will help you identify gluten as it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You may be supposed to find gluten in many thing containing wheat.

What Food Items To Avoid?

  • Items with whole purpose flour are a huge no-no. Muffins, Pizza, Pastries, and Cookies will be far from the reach
  • Anything wheat based has to be excluded
  • Wheat based pasta and spaghetti has to be avoided at all costs.
  • Until and unless the cereals are labelled as gluten free, do not go for them.
  • If you are a fan of snacks, Gluten-Free diet is surely not for you. Candies, roasted nuts, chips and popcorns are to be avoided
  • Sauces are a no-no. Especially soy sauce and teriyaki sauce
  • Unless labeled gluten free; you have to exclude beer and flavored alcoholic beverages.

Yes, it’s a hardship as most of the items topping the list are the main source of gluten however, there is the issue of many food items containing gluten but it’s hidden as it could be cross-contaminated.

Cross-Contamination and it’s prevention

Transferring of bacteria and viruses from one food to another cause cross-contamination mostly when a utensil you use comes into contact with gluten. There is a high risk of cross-contamination while dining out but it can also happen in your kitchen. Don’t stress out; check out the list to how to prevent cross-contamination.

We have listed down ways with which you can prevent cross-contamination.

  • Raw meat and dairy products should be stored in separate containers which are sealed so that they don’t come in contact with other food items.
  • If possible, make separate units in refrigerator for different food items.
  • Sanitize and clean surfaces before preparing food.
  • After cleaning and sanitizing the utensils, keep them away from storage areas.
  • Refrain from the use of same utensils for different foods.
  • Gloves are a must. They will help you prevent cross-contamination.
  • Don’t touch the food if you have plans to store it.

What To Eat?

If you are disappointed already? Don’t be. You can always choose from multiple delicious gluten-free options.

  • Meats and fish
  • Dairy
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Starches
  • Flours
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Oils
  • Herbs and spices
  • Beverages

Some Basic Mistakes When Starting A Gluten-Free Diet

  1. Unawareness about the purpose – It is important to know the reason you are opting for the gluten-free diet in order to get the most out of it.
  2. Expecting gluten-free to be permanent and ultimate cure – Gluten-Free is not your source of losing weight quickly. It may only get you to 20% less fat. It also does not solve or cure your pre-existing digestive issues.
  3. Read the labels of the food items that you buy. If you are careless in not reading them, you may come in direct contact with Gluten food.

How Do I Eat Gluten-Free At A Restaurant?

It may not be easy at first but you will get the hang of it. The important step is to plan ahead. When you are dining out, know the restaurant. Check their menu online, call the number given on their social media accounts and ask them if they have anything gluten-free to order. Make sure that you recheck from the waiter when you have ordered your gluten free meal. If you are still not able to find a restaurant which serves gluten-free meal then comes the meal delivery services to your rescue. Plus its always better to Netflix and chill while having your favorite and comfortable food items being delivered to your home.


It’s not important for everyone to follow Gluten-Free diet but it does become a necessity for some. There is still misconception about the world healthy and complicated related to gluten free food but it is also important to do your own research in order to understand what’s best for you. A gluten-free diet takes a lot of motivation, consistency and will to survive but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a lifestyle and you are on your way to being better than before.

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