Believe it or not, but both a sinus infection and sinus inflammation can lead to tooth pain. For most people, this pain is generally felt in the upper rear teeth, where they are closest to the sinuses. While this is an incredibly common symptom of sinusitis (sinus inflammation), many people don’t realize that their sinuses are the cause.
Anatomy of Your Sinuses
Sinuses are air-filled spaces located in the facial bones near your forehead, by your eyes and behind your cheekbones. Their role is to warm, moisten and filter the air that flows through your nasal cavity. They also produce mucus, which helps trap pollen, allergens, dust, and other particles from getting into your body. When you blow your nose, you are removing the mucus from your sinuses and getting rid of any harmful element along with it.
From time to time, your sinuses can become blocked by fluid. When that happens, it can lead to an infection, as well as swelling in your mucus membranes. Since this causes the pressure to build in your head, you may feel pain behind your eyes, in your forehead, next to your nose and even in your teeth. This is because the roots of your teeth within the jawbone are close to your sinuses.
How to Tell if the Toothache Is From Your Sinuses
It can be hard to tell if the pain in your tooth comes from your sinuses or another issue, such as gum disease, a cavity or other dental issues. Again, having tooth pain due to sinus problems is incredibly common, but not a lot of people realize this is the cause of their discomfort. Some of the ways to tell if your sinuses are causing your tooth pain include the following:
More Than One Tooth Hurts: More often than not if your tooth pain is caused by a cavity or other dental issue, it will only impact one tooth. In general, the pain will also be more intense and focused. If your sinuses are causing the issue, you will feel the agony in more than one tooth, and it will probably be localized to your top back molars. Depending on how severe your sinus infection or swelling is, this pain can radiate into your bottom teeth, but it will still impact more than one tooth at a time.
Sinus Tooth Pain Intensifies with Certain Activities: If you find that your tooth pain gets worse when you bend or jump, this could mean that your sinuses are causing the hurt. As the pressure in your sinuses shifts with these movements, it will radiate into your teeth. If you find that the pain lessens or subsides when you sit or lay down, then this is another sign that your sinuses are to blame for your tooth pain, and it might be time to check out a page like to help you figure out what treatment options you may wish to try.
Other Symptoms Associated with Sinus Infections: In addition to tooth pain, some of the other symptoms you might notice with a sinus infection include the following:
- Sore throat
- Fever
- Ear pain or fullness
- Thick, discolored mucus
- Loss of smell and taste
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Hoarse voice
There are many sinus treatment options available to help you feel better, and starting these as soon as possible will ensure that you get rid of your tooth pain and any other discomfort you might feel. The best course of action is to see a healthcare provider, as they’ll be able to diagnose the infection quickly and get you started on a treatment plan.
Other Things to Consider When it Comes to Sinuses and Tooth Pain
When you have a sinus infection or inflammation, you may find that it’s difficult to breathe through your nose, so you’ll have to use your mouth. When you do this, the air moving through your mouth will increase dryness.
Your saliva washes away food particles and bacteria from the surface of your teeth. However, since your mouth will be drier because you can’t breathe through your nose, these items won’t get taken care of. If that occurs, then you open yourself up to a host of other issues, including an increased risk of gum disease and cavities, both of which can also lead to tooth pain.
Thus, it’s advised if you have a sinus infection and it’s challenging to breathe through your nose, you should increase the amount of water you drink to keep your mouth moist and your teeth free of harmful bacteria. You might also consider rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash to help fight these damaging substances.
While it’s incredibly common for your teeth to hurt when you have sinus issues, if you find that the pain is persistent, this could be a sign of another problem. Not only can your sinuses cause tooth pain, but the pain in your teeth can radiate into your sinuses. This is especially true if you grind your teeth or clench your jaw. If you have taken care of your sinus problems but still feel tooth pain, then making an appointment with a dentist to determine the cause is the best choice for your health.
Reducing Sinus Pain and Pressure and Tooth Pain
If you find that you have chronic sinus infections or pressure, then seeing a professional and looking into different sinus treatment options is in your best interest. No one wants to deal with pain and pressure in their skull and teeth, and a doctor will be able to find the cause and the cure for your problems. Ignoring sinus pressure and pain or tooth pain could harm your health. Make sure you’re doing what’s best for you and get in to see a professional as soon as possible. You deserve to feel your best, and they can help you achieve that goal.