Eye Doctors Trained To Detect Optic Nerve Disorders

If the eye is the window to the soul, the optic nerve is the (if you will excuse the cliche) hinge that ensures whether the window works or not! The cranial nerves are responsible for sending electric signals to the brain from the retina located behind the eye. If a delicate problem such as optic neuritis strikes, the effect could be costly. One’s vision will turn blurry or too dark; colors will be harder to distinguish and moving the eyeballs can be a painful chore. Blindness could also happen. According to eye doctor boca raton the symptoms, indeed, seem dreadful, but many do overcome it, sometimes without the need for any medication/intervention.

How does Optic Nerve happen?

What mostly happens optic neuritis is the inflammation of a nerve linking the eye to the brain. The degree of blindness that comes with this condition also varies according to the area or areas affected by the nerve irritation.

First of all,  it is important to point out that the optic nerve may seem to belong more to parts of the eye, but in reality, scientists list it under the parts of the central nervous system. The optic nerve is composed of over a million nerve filaments.

The exact trigger of optic neuritis is tricky to identify. It is possible that the immune system attacks (for some reason) the outer film of the optic nerve (myelin), and the effect is damaging irritation to the myelin.

The myelin is vital to the visual process, sending electrical signals from eye to brain, where they’re translated into what we see. With optic neuritis, this process is a mess.

Risk factors

These are some factors which influence the likelihood of having optic neuritis:

Age: The age range most commonly affected is 20 to 40.

Sex: There is a higher rate of incidence among women.

Race: In the case of the United States, it is more prevalent among whites than among blacks.

Genetic Mutations: Some genetic traits could also ramp up the possibility of optic neuritis and its related condition, multiple sclerosis.

Symptoms and Signs of Optic Neuritis

The inflammation’s accompanying signs progress over some hours or in a few days:

  • An unpleasant sensation when moving your eyes
  • Dull vision
  • Inability to see colors
  • Lack of peripheral vision
  • A literal blind spot in the centermost area of your vision
  • Loss of vision in some instances
  • Pain from somewhere behind your eyes

Other Disorders that Concern the Optic Nerve

#1. Glaucoma

Which is used to describe some diseases that are top causes for loss of vision in the United States. Glaucoma is the result of an abnormal spike in pressure from within the eyes or even damage to the optic nerve.

The latest method to arrest the progress of glaucoma is to reduce the fluid pressure on the eye. Techniques include laser or incisional eye surgery, including the ever-reliable eye drops. A lower eye pressure has been shown to halt visual field loss, but experts warn that lower eye pressure does not necessarily correlate with total treatment.

#2. Optic Nerve Atrophy

Optic nerve atrophy is a severe strain on the optic nerve brought about by lack of proper blood flow to the eye, disease, or injury.

If you are encountering signs and symptoms of optic nerve issues and other vision problems, stop delaying a visit to your health care expert. These disorders can be remedied before they progress further through eye exams and imaging scans. Expert treatment can vary. In some optic nerve disorders, it is possible to restore one’s vision to stop further damage.

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