What Is the Main Focus of These 6 Different Types of Yoga?

Everyone thinks that all yoga is the same, but that’s far from the truth. There are many different kinds of yoga, each with its own specific purpose in mind. Those interested in teaching yoga, or even if they just want to embrace their inner selves through yoga training, can attend yoga instructor training portland (or training in their area) and learn how to both practice and teach a range of these different types of yoga. To save yourself from confusion, here are the main foci for the six different types of yoga.

Anusara Yoga

Anusara yoga is a style of Hatha yoga that was founded by a man named John Friend. It was created with the purpose of aligning the mind, heart, and body together to create one, cohesive state of being. The term “Anusara” means “flowing with grace,” so that the movements and practice are focused on peace and finding balance.

You can discover this practice of yoga by going to see more at clubfitness.us.

Bikram Yoga

This is also known as hot yoga. It is a Hatha yoga that is performed in a heated room, causing you to sweat a lot. It lasts for about 90 minutes and the movements follow a predetermined sequence every time. There are twenty-six poses involves, and you will cycle through them until the time is done. It’s a very intensive practice that not all first-time yoga students are ready for.


This is a type of yoga that is focused on the flow of breath. It involves moving from one posture to the next with control over breathing. Sequences are not predetermined, so you’ll have a different experience depending on which class you go to and which instructor you have.

It’s a very adaptive style, so it can be modified to suit the person, depending on their skill level.

In the end, Vinyasa will help you develop a strong core, increase your flexibility, and improve your stamina.


Kundalini is a term meaning “serpent energy,” which is believed to be the resting stage at the base of the spine. This kind of yoga seeks to awaken it, promoting better spine health and flexibility, as well as better compassion and healing of the body. It seeks to raise one’s awareness of the body by channeling that “serpent energy” into the highest chakra in the head.


One of the more flexible styles of yoga, it promotes complete adaptability for each practitioner so suit their needs and abilities. That makes the practice very flexible for those just starting out, and the difficulty can be increased as they become more in tune with their bodies.

What makes it different from other forms of yoga is that it uses the principles of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, which is the conscious contraction of the muscles during the stretching phase in order to warm them up.


This is less about the physical body and more tailored towards the mind. It focuses on acceptance and learning from the body. By moving through the different poses, you become aware of how your body changes. It’s these changes that you meditate on afterward in order to achieve acceptance of your body as a whole.

It can be a little confusing learning about the different kinds of yoga, but knowing what differentiates them from each other will make it easier for you to find the one that’s most suitable to your needs.

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